Welcome to Afriforte
Afriforte was established in February 2005 as the commercial partner of WorkWell, The Research Unit for Economic and Management Sciences, at the North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus.
News from our sister entity, Peopleful, in the UK
MQ Mental Health Research has joined forces with Peopleful and the WorkWell Research Centre at North-West University to conduct a cross-industry study of workplace dynamics across the UK and Ireland.
Employee Voice
The Employee Voice is an AI-driven qualitative analytical system that allows organizations and researchers to explore work factors based on employees’ lived experiences.
Findings from the Employee Voice are presented for the organization overall and within predetermined groups based on themed participant responses to qualitative questions. These questions can be employed as an add-on to existing Afriforte quantitative diagnostic products or as a standalone product.
Combining the Afriforte diagnostic products with the Employee Voice product provides companies with the best of both worlds by creating additional insights based on quantitative and qualitative perspectives within the context of the OHFB and helping and hindering factors at work. A standalone project takes an entirely exploratory qualitative stance and identifies themes created by employees in the context of the organization’s open-ended questions.
This product creates a space for employees to feel heard by their organization through gaining insight into aspects the organization may not consider and creating a holistic representation of employee experiences.

Steinmüller Africa’s Sasol Mill Maintenance (MM) team in Secunda significantly improved their safety record last year after struggling with one Recordable Case (RC) safety incident on average every two months previously.
The Afriforte Products Lab

Xtrapolate – Our Software Development Partner
Xtrapolate is an innovative technology consulting firm providing software solutions, data science and artificial intelligence to clients globally. We create beautiful, cutting edge solutions in short turnaround times with exceptional customer service. For more information click here.
Xtrapolate Project Focus
Yabelana is an integrated information system to support holistic service delivery to older people in local government. It is a project aimed at delivering better services to older people (>60 years) in rural communities in South Africa using information and communication technologies (ICT). Essentially it is a central directory of services and resources available to the elderly (specific to their vicinity). It is be able to send event notifications to subscribed participants. For more information visit yabelana.org