Health Snapshot
The Greatest Wealth is HealthFirst line screening for health and lifestyle risks
The greatest wealth is health
It is widely agreed that Health Risk Assessments (HRAs) are most effective at promoting behaviour change when they form part of an integrated, multi-faceted wellness programme. The role of the Health Snapshot within a wellness programme is to help identify physical and lifestyle health risks within a population and then target health and lifestyle interventions and behaviour change programmes to address these areas. Therefore, the Health Snapshot is a health and lifestyle risk assessment tool that serves as a “dipstick” to identify health and lifestyle risks for individual follow-up and/or clinical screening. The instrument was designed to screen for risks by means of a self-report survey that reviews the following:
Knowledge about health and lifestyle status and risks
Health and lifestyle behaviours and practices
Attitude towards health and lifestyle risk changes
The Health Snapshot dimensions
Identifies health and lifestyle risks and appreciates good health
The Health Snapshot comprises the following screening dimensions:
Demographics such as gender, age and marital status just to name a few.
Lifestyle dimensions such as nutrition, physical activity and Smoking
Medical History
Personal and Family medical history
Health Readings
Several health readings like Body mass index, Waist Circumference, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and Blood Glucose
Psychological Well-Being
Stress Related Ill Health and Personal Resources to cope with stress
Screening and Immunisations
Screening and Immunisations for Influenza vaccinations, HIV awareness, and others
How does an individual complete a Health Snapshot?
A smart approach to risk assessment
The Health Snapshot is an online survey that applies fuzzy logic as you answer the survey which means that the Health Snapshot online system adapts the survey and only requests information applicable to the participant as you complete the survey.
Ideally individuals complete the Health Snapshot online and it takes 10-15 minutes to complete. The ability to complete hard copy questionnaires does exist and these are then captured manually into the system after completion.
Prevention is better than cure
Individual Level
Each individual receives a confidential immediate personal feedback report following the online completion of the survey.
Group Level
After a project is completed all of the data is aggregated into a depersonalised group report. This report is generated in real-time and is available at the click of a button.
Benefits of the Health Snapshot
Knowledge is power
Provide employees with a snapshot of their current health status
Enable individuals to monitor their health status over time
Lifestyle Changes
Provide employees with concrete information thus preparing them for lifestyle change
Health Coaching
Help individuals get involved with health coaching
Readiness to Change
Provide important information concerning employees’ readiness to change
Measure and Monitor
Help employers measure and monitor population health status
Health Promotion
Provide employers with important information that can help them build results-oriented health promotion programmes
Can provide employers with important information on productivity
Health Behaviour
Allow employers to evaluate changes in health behaviour and health risks over time